Well, this is it! I've been accepted to App State for the spring semester! Rather than moving in the dead of winter from Boise to Moore (let's just say snow and ice would be an issue), I've decided to pack everything I can fir into my van and me and Mitch are going on a road trip! I'm totally stoked. The trip itself is about 2400 miles. I plan to break it up into five stages and chronicle my odyssey in pictures. I'm very excited! I'm packing my fave road food: Pringles, Whatchamacallit bars, Corn Nuts, Diet Pepsi Max, Gatorade, Twinkies, Peanut butter sandwiches, and weed.
- Leg 1 - Boise, ID to Ogden, UT. I have to stop at my alma mater, Weber State one last time to take in the campus atmosphere and visit a couple of my buds from the Women's Studies department.
- Leg 2 - Ogden, UT to North Platte, NE. I've never been across the entire Cornhusker State, so this should be something to see. I plan on checking out the Fort Cody Trading Post and taking in the miniature Wild West Show that runs every 30 minutes.
- Leg 3 - North Platte, NE to St. Louis, MO. Time to take a tour of the Anheuser-Busch brewery and get a free snort of the King of Beers. If the Rams or Cardinals are playing, I'll take in a ballgame!
- Leg 4 - St. Louis, MO to Huntington, WV. We are!....Marshall! I'm totally going to look and see if I can see Randy Moss or Matthew McConaghy!
- Leg 5 - Huntington, WV to Moore, NC. The final leg through the glittering fall colors of the Appalachians! It will be totally sweet!
I'm taking the van by my buddy Zack Fardy's cousin Galindo Mars III's garage to make sure that the VW is good to go. I will of course have my laptop and Sprint card with me to update the blog as I go along. Let me send a shout out to Thundering Biceps. If you lie anywhere along the route, send a hit to my blog and I will make a stop. I need to check out those biceps myself. And if you buddy Steve comes along, I will take Mitch and beat him in the mouth until all of his teeth are knocked down his throat because he is a no-talent crapsicle.