Monday, August 20, 2007

Heather Mills Is A Bitch

I have a bone to pic with Heather Mills. How did that woman ever get to be the Goodwill Ambassador for Adopt-A-Minefield foundation? Because she was rogering Sir Paul McCartney? And who the hell adopts a minefield anyway? Somehow, I think that they would have a hard time getting enough volunteers to go out to the 2-mile stretch of minefield to do a trash cleanup. I bet the president of the Bosnia-Hertzegovina Chapter hears alot of "Sorry old boy, my gout is acting up again," or "Maybe next time old chap, I don't wish to have my other leg blown off, what?" So who does the AAM get to be the next champion for the cause? The person with the international appeal and stature that Princess Diana lent to the cause of removing minefields? Heather Mills?!? I bet if you took a poll of Americans, half of them would say "Isn't she the gril from Pollyana and the original Parent Trap?", and the other half would say "Oh yeah, that one-legged tart from Dancing With the Stars."

Heather Mills didn't even step on a mine to lose her leg in the first place! She was doing cheap British porn, gets in a car accident and the next thing you know she's married to Sir Paul McCartney and then divorces him and get half a bazillion dollars for her trouble. Don't get me wrong, getting shtuped by an old guy is no picnic, but it's not like she married Strom Thurmond. And I can't even get someone to buy me a decaf latte at Starbucks! I'm not bitter. Heather Mills is a bitch.

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