Well, since it looks like I may get evicted from my apartment in 6 months unless I win the Lotto, I found a new car that will also double as a residence if my job search is not immediately successful. I was talking to my former coworker Zack and he had a buddy whose parents own a used car dealership in Collister. They had a 1995 Volkswagen EuroVan they were trying to unload. Zack told them my tale, and they took pity on me and agreed to sell it to me for $7500 instead of the sticker price of $14,895. It's history is a little bit shady from what Zack told me, but it's definitely not stolen, he knows that much. Now I'm looking to find a campground or RV park where I can reserve a spot in case I need it. I haven't even updated my resume yet, but I'll get to it next week or something.
I was thinking about moving to a new state. You know, a fresh start. I don't know where I would go. Outside of Africa, I've always lived in Idaho. There are so many other places to live. When I went on some road trips when I was still in college, I really enjoyed some different spots. The people in the Midwest were very nice. The Appalachian Mountains were beautiful, so maybe the Carolinas would be a place to try a fresh start. I don't know. I'm not even sure what I would do. Maybe go back to school? Not sure what I would study. Maybe I'll focus on becoming a writer. Tell my life story. It's pretty cool. I haven't told Turk, Lamoni or Teena yet. They would just complain and say "I told you to quit stalking your coworkers" and crapola like that.
I could always turn tricks for cash if I ran out of other options. I wonder what you put down on your taxes as an occupation? I think I would go with "self-employed", "hourly social worker," or maybe "Coital Professional." That has a cool ring to it. If I moved to Nevada I could do that without going to jail. No, I don't want to do that. Jesus would send me to hell if I do that. I'll focus on school. Maybe I could get a teaching certification. I don't have a criminal record and if Glenda doesn't press any charges I could be home free. You never know.
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