Monday, October 15, 2007

Tales From Leg 2 - Leaving The West

Hey gang! I wanted to give you an update on my progress across the country. I'm actually writing this from New Albany, IN which is on leg 4, but we'll get to that on another post. I had a hoot of a time on leg one, and I had to get a few states between me and Wyoming before I could safely regale the DoD faithful with my tales of daring do.

If you are a square, then I have found the perfect place for you to visit or retire to: Rock Springs, WY. Where is that you ask? It's about 180 miles east of Ogden on I-80. It's charming if you're old as turds, and it was a convenient place to stop and stretch my leg. "advised" me to go see the Community Fine Arts Center (CFAC to the locals) to see "one of the best collections of modern art in the Rockies." What they failed to mention was that quote was made in 1952. Now D-Bird is flush with cash, but I'm not in the business of making cash rain down like Pacman Jones at a strip club, so when I went to this place I figured it would be a reasonable price: say about $5-7 US. Now when I entered CFAC, the place was pretty small. I sauntered up to the reception desk and asked how much to get it. A sweet lady named Jennifer told me that admission was free. They did accept donations, just whatever the visitors felt like giving.

I decided to give the place the old once-over before I decided on what to donate to the place. I mean, I had to take in "one of the best collections of modern art in the Rockies" for myself. It was not too bad as collections go. There were a lot of weird abstract pictures, stuff I'm not a big fan of. I prefer the old stuff like Greek and Roman statues because they put lifelike genitals on them. I mean, it takes a lot of skill to carve a realistic twig & berries out of marble. The more I examine these statues, the more I believe that there may be something to this Darwin character & evolution. Stay with me: you never see a John Holmes like appendage on any Greek or Roman statue. They usually look normal. So, over the course of a few centuries, humans have evolved to in some specimens an enormous dingle-hopper to skewer unsuspecting nymphos. What I can't seem to figure out is why? What is the biological advantage? Anywho, I took my tour and dropped $5 in the donation box so they can keep the lights on in the place.

So what's the big deal that you had to hightail it out of Rock Springs? Well, I went to a gas station to fill up the EuroVan before leaving town, we'll call it a Smexxon/Globil station. I went up to the pump (pump 9 for luck) and swiped my card. It doesn't work. I check to make sure I have the magnetic strip facing the right direction (I am a blonde) and try it again. No dice. I rub the card to make sure that there's no dirt or gunk on it and try it again. Strike 3. I try to lift the lever and start pumping. No workie. It was at that point that the clerk comes on over the little loudspeaker at the pump and says "You have to prepay." I tell her "the card reader isn't working, can you just turn it on?" She asks "Did you swipe your card in the machine?" I said "Yes." She said, "Was it turned the right way?" I said "Yes." She said "Are you sure?" I said, "I tried it 3 times and it didn't work. I checked to make sure the card was turned the right way." She said "Why don't you try another card?" Now I was getting mad. I walked into the store and up to the counter. That's when I saw the bitch. She looked like a red-header version of Avril Lavigne, except that she was a 200 pound fat cow. I handed her my card and said "Can you run it in here?" She rolled her eyes at me and said "I'm gonna have to reset the pump," and then just stood there chewing her gum at me.

I said "Well you better get to it then." She narrowed here eyes at me, and started punching buttons and swiped my card. The register booped at her. She sighed and did it again. Another boop. She hands me back my card and said "Your card doesn't work. You're going to have to pay cash." I'm sure she meant well, but her attitude had got the best of me. "My card worked the last time I used it, so why don't you run it again?" I made sure to give her my best "crazy eyes." She said "Either you pay with cash or get lost." I must admit that at this point things got a little out of hand. I reached into my wallet and laid out 2 crispy Ben Franklins on the counter. I also nonchalantly loosened Mitch's straps. I asked her to put $25 on pump 9. She said "What's the other $175 for?" I said "For this, bitch!" I then proceeded to swing Mitch around, knocking a display of lotto tickets to the ground, also laying waste to the Jerry's Kids bucket, a Tic-Tac display and some Jack Link's beef jerky. I then took a lunge at the tart and connected with her right forearm, leaving a nice red mark. The yelp of pain and surprise was very satisfying. I then strapped Mitch back on and put $25 of gas into my car and took off. I had to get off the Interstate and take a number of back and side roads until I got into Nebraska (I crossed at Lyman, NE) and made my way hither and thither until I couldn't drive anymore and camped in the EuroVan near Lemoyne. After that I did manage to get back on the Interstate in North Platte after another gas stop (the card work fine, thank you) and took off and tried not to look to conspicuous.

So, if you're traveling through far western Wyoming, I recommend that you stop at the CFAC, say hello to Jennifer and take in their collection, it is definitely worth $5.


Thundering Biceps said...

Gotta say that I LOVED hearing about you brining down the thunder on that stupid red headed turd bobber. I think that I would have given $175 just to see it. All that means is that your fiesty!!! Might have to warm up before I could handle some of that, but I could probably take all you got once I got a sweat going.

Gotta say that I was kinda sad to not see you swing on through Iowa, I would have loved to get a beer with ya. I'm also sure that T-bar would have loved to see the old D-bird again.

Stay crazy, its sexy.

Call me Dana Thickburger said...

I desired deeply to continue east on 80 in Omaha instead of heading south to Kansas City. The thought of seeing T-Mazing again brings up so many feelings...too hard...too hard. He was such a tender person. I have fallen from grace and am no longer fit to be within 50 yards of him. How could he see through my missing appendage, drug use, pain, anger, and alcohol abuse and look back to the nubile fawn from 7th grade? Alas, I have lost him. Only the memory is gold and pure, just as I was, just as he must still be. As for you, musclehead, I gather from your "handle" that you come from the Danny Bonaduce line of HGH-injecting roid ragers and subsequently have shriveled wedding tackle. I don't do charity.